Keeping Your Septic System Working Correctly And Efficiently

Many things can play a role in how often you need to consider septic tank cleaning. The frequency of septic tank cleaning depends on several factors, including the size of your tank, the number of people in your household, and how often you use your septic system.

Frequency Of Tank Cleaning

In general, you should consider septic tank pumping out every three to five years. However, if you have a large tank or a lot of people in your household, you may need to have it pumped out more often.

It is essential to have your septic tank pumped out regularly to prevent backups, leaks, and overflows that come will a full tank. Neglecting septic tank cleaning allows the solids in the tank to build up and eventually clog the system. This can cause wastewater to back up into your home, damaging your plumbing, structure, and belongings.

If you are unsure how often you should have your septic tank pumped out, it is always best to err on the side of caution and have it pumped out more often. This will help to prevent problems and keep your septic system running smoothly.

Septic System Inspections

A septic tank inspection is a visual inspection of the septic tank and its components. The inspector will look for any signs of damage or problems, such as cracks in the tank, leaks in the distribution box, or clogs in the drainfield. The inspector will also check the water level in the tank and the sludge level and may recommend septic tank cleaning or pumping more often than you are already doing.

If the inspector finds any problems, they will recommend repairs or replacements. In some cases, the inspector may also recommend a pumping service in the area to help you maintain the system and keep it clean and healthy.

A septic tank inspection is an essential part of maintaining your septic system. Having your tank inspected regularly can help prevent problems before they happen and keep your system running smoothly. If you are having issues with the system, the inspector may request a septic tank cleaning before they arrive so they can get a better look inside the tank and septic system to find damage or cracks hidden below the water line. 

Septic System Maintenance

Maintaining your septic system and limiting the need for septic system cleaning is vital. The less water you use, the less waste your system will have to treat. In some homes, running the washer machine drain or similar gray water lines to the drainfield may be an option and can reduce the amount of water going into the septic tank. 

Contact a septic tank cleaning company to learn more.
