Details To Know About Using Dumpster Rental Services

A dumpster makes it easy to get rid of unwanted junk in your home. If you rarely throw anything out, but you just put things in boxes and store them in the basement or attic, you could have a lot of old clothes, toys, home decor items, dishes, and general clutter that just take up space in your home.

You might want to sort through things so you can donate what you can or sell things that are valuable, but you'll probably still have a lot of garbage, especially if your boxes got damp or became infested with pests. Throwing junk into a dumpster is a fast and easy way to get rid of it. Here are some details about dumpster rental services.

Same-Day Delivery Might Be Available

Depending on how busy the dumpster rental service is, they may have dumpsters ready to go that can be delivered the same day. If you've just realized you can't get rid of all your trash without a dumpster, you can call to see if a dumpster can be delivered the same day while you're working. However, you don't have to be home when the dumpster is delivered.

The dumpster can be dropped off according to instructions you leave with the rental company over the phone. They'll usually put the dumpster on your driveway. A dumpster can usually go on an inclined driveway, too, since there are only wheels on one end.

Sizing Might Be Challenging

Call the dumpster rental service to get help with sizing. Dumpsters come in several sizes, and the bigger they are, the more they cost. You'll probably want the smallest size needed for your project. The dumpster rental service can tell you how many pickup loads or trash bags each size dumpster holds since it may be easier to visualize your junk when it's in trash bags. However, you don't need to put your trash in bags unless it's easier for you to handle and carry it that way.

Loading Should Be Organized

Rather than throw junk over the top and let it land where it wants, it's better to organize your dumpster a little bit so empty spaces are filled and you get more junk in a small space. Also, by organizing the junk, you won't have to worry about parts of it sticking above the sides and causing problems when the dumpster is picked up.

You might organize by placing large furniture in first so it is flat on the bottom. Then you can stack trash bags or loose clutter on top. You may even need to take some furniture apart to get it to fit well in the dumpster. Since the dumpster has a back door that swings open, you can carry heavy things to the front when you first start working. You'll want to distribute the weight as well as you can as you fill the dumpster.

Reach out to a local service, such as The Waste Basket, to learn more.
